A downloadable game for Windows
LAB V3.0 is a full remake of the original lab, rebuilt from scratch it sports new features such as:
- mouse aiming
- saving and loading
- high resolution hardware accelerated graphics (original was low res and software rendered)
- supports 4K monitors
- reconfigurable controls
(also enemies are now tougher)
Older versions:
V 2.0 https://mutantleg.itch.io/lab
V 1.0 https://bigdino.com/play/1605/LAB
Check out Wobblyfootgamer's full walkthrough: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1lDkFRmW4BUNUL64WHnDVsvn7I3BMW6C(once it gets fixed)
Check out Birds0And0Games' walkthrough: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_fI8Xqc6qwRBongtuo3IRa1BtMbS-bjt
Check out Birds0And0Games channel who made the CheatEngine LAB trainer
(also seifmagdi's channel who helped out with the latest trainer)
if you wish to support me in some way please consider getting a copy of Zortch (or at least try the demo)
Development log
- LAB V3.03 Patch releasedJun 03, 2019
- LAB v3.02 Patch releasedSep 21, 2018
- LAB v3.01 Patch releasedSep 13, 2018
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Catacombs 3D and Blake Stone had a lovechild that’s been conceived with lots of passion and a healthy dose of fun, and apparently mutantleg were the wetnurse, stole the child, named it LAB and put it on itch. It’s currently in its third iteration, and it’s simply glorious. Play this!
wow i cant believe i found this game!
its been in the back of my mind for years and since I just got into doom modding again it has been on my mind.
Nice to see it got an upgrade, wish there was a mac port tho or maybe even a .wad if thats even possible.
Anyways good luck to the creator with their new Zortch game (it looks really good, might buy it) and maybe even a lab 2!
I'm glad you liked it 👍
the sprites and textures are pubdom if you want to use them for a wad
of course with the sprites only having one direction it might be a bit tricky 🤔
i'm afraid a native mac port would be tricky as well (as I don't wish to touch xcode ever again 😓)
so far all my ideas for Lab 2 ended up in Zortch - I guess you could call it the spiritual sequel 🤔
Damn, after 5 years trying to search this games, here is the remake, i remember playing the original when i was chilldren.... what a good childhood whit flash game, love this game
it's crazy that people played this as a kid
my impression was that it was fallen into obscurity like a week after release
like how most flash games at the time did 🤔
This was really fun, I loved it. The game is limited to a 2D Map with no height variation whatsoever, but you managed to make something very enjoyable out of something like this. :D 5/5
I'm glad you liked it 🙂
funnily enough the flash versions engine actually supported heights (and even 3d models)
I just never ended up using them 🤔
Regardless whether your engine for LAB is a raycaster, it's really interesting to see 3D Models where you wouldn't see them. I took a look at your channel and saw the latest video for Zortch 2, it looks pretty good from what I've seen so far. Can't wait to see more stuff from you :)
I guess we can call it a hybrid - at first I made a real raycaster but it turned out drawing pixel by pixel in flash was very slow
but it had a drawtriangle function which was reasonably fast
so the visibility check is still done with raycasting (the rays mark visible zones) but the walls were drawn with triangles 🤔
thank you! 🙂
Zortch is pretty much the spiritual sequel of LAB - it uses many of the same elements
so you would probably enjoy it - and where Zortch 2 is going .. not even I know 🤔
i played the original flash version. And that is cool!
An enjoyable enough time but for some reason the tables are indestructible. This makes the assault rifle that's hidden in Level 1 impossible to grab.
use grenades 😉
(you might need to find some hidden on level1)
I had to beat this with cheats, cause the cheats were fun you should 100% make another game like this
I'm glad you had fun 👍
you mean like an fps or a wolf3d cloneish fps? 🤔
Any FPS!
I assume you already know about Zortch? 🤔
Zortch? Whats that
All yoru FPS Shooters are so good Zortch was so scary it made me use the Debug panel
Nvm i found Zotch it looks cool i will try it!
i really liked it, i played almost the entire game in one session.
hey, just a question.
what game engine did you use for this?
it's a custom one (c++, opengl)
(and the original was also a custom one - just inside flash with as3)
I liked it.Good job
When do u publish a new LAB update?
what sort of updates are you thinking of? 🤔
as far as I'm concerned the game is complete.. apart from making sure it runs on new windows versions I don't plan any updates
Completed this in 1h 20m Good fun, really got to loving the grenades once I ran out of bullets.
The Boss was a little underwhelming, was I supposed to blow him up?
the end boss is pretty much just a puzzle
the idea was that if you figure it out you can win without a fight
I just killed everything, then bashed open a pane of glass and threw a nuke in there. Watches speedrun, Oh I see.
https://i.imgur.com/BKZ1cSs.mp4 Aparently this game is very stressful
it's sad that my generation is already corrupting the youth 😔
Returning to this ABSOLUTE CLASSIC after completing Zortch. Good god, these games are so fun and solidly designed!
I used cheats in my video lol
it's still so strange to me that people are still interested in Lab (maybe I should stick to making wolf3d clones 🤔)
is the crash at 9:00 with the grenades?
no it has to do with my OHKO scripts/invincibility scripts when disabling or enabling both that do the opposite of what's enabled causing this crash
part 2 is released!!!
I wonder if we will have an editor for LAB too lmao
updated cheats.txt for a misunderstood cheat https://www.mediafire.com/file/htyucy7qn9obv1k/Cheats.txt/file
this seems the be the nekkrobox cheat txt 🤔
oops my bad I was in a hurry because of my parents being impatient on this lil thing here is the LAB one https://www.mediafire.com/file/454yxnf02inw7of/Cheats.txt/file
ok, I updated it 👍
LAB walkthrough (secrets are fun to get)
cool! 👍
(if you make a playlist I'll add a link for it at the top)
alright also you made me want to nuke the game up too many nuke launcher secrets xD
this didn't age well :skull: exams be like:
new lab trainer: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xsvqt1pz0qaeyus/LAB_trainer.CT/file
we did alot today and we even fixed rapid fire for the nuke launcher and improved inf ammo! now you dont need ammo for inf ammo to work and organized the scripts section and did alot and etc check the table extras for some new stuff (and i noticed a bug with debug mode if you have it enabled and spam start levels you will eventually crash it isn't related to my trainer which is weird maybe fix that)
ok, I updated it
how do you exactly spam start levels? ( and also.. why?)
basically loading between levels has a rare chance of crashing so spam starting levels aka end game and start level will increase the chances of it happening rn we are trying to figure out the reason of it crashing using cheat engine i hope we figure out why its happening also note that it only happens when you have debug mode as seifmagdi crashed the game once he had debug mode without activating cheat engine
so far I couldn't replicate it: I looked through the code but I cannot seem to pinpoint which part might be responsible either 🤔
still it's a relief that it only seem to happen in debug mode.. has it happened more than once?
twice or thrice for my friend for me it only happened once during gameplay while testing my cheat table its so rare and subtle i doubted it would be my cheat table but i had debug mode all the time and when my friend wanted to try to replicate it he crashed right away after getting debug mode
Suggest me of what I should try to add in my cheat table (I am out of ideas lmao)
I checked and it seems you covered them all 👍
(it's a small game after all - there can be only so much cheats )
I thought about adding a health pointer that points to the player health ik it's in float the problem is every single time i tried it would change depending on the level for some reason mind if you explain it? cuz you made the game also i wonder if anyone even uses these lmao also here is a save file to unlock all levels if you finished the game or being busy or idk https://www.mediafire.com/file/kpvgy46so6h1dyg/labData.dat/file
I'm not sure if that is the right file (seem to be the game data file)
unlocking all maps is very easy, just change this entry in
unfortunately the health is stored in the player actor - and it's a dynamic object so there is no guarantee it will be in the same memory location (depends on the order it was created - which depends on where it was placed on the level)
my bad I will send the cheat table later in the same message for now I just updated my cheats guide https://www.mediafire.com/file/20e6mn4244v6nef/Cheats.txt/file get ready for an edit soon
ok, I uploaded this new one
the mantises seem harder than I remember 🤔
Damn, this game reminded me of Blake Stone and Corridor 7! xD
Got to Core Entry in one sitting, saw how many of those blue dudes I have to fight and said "Nope!". Not that they're a big problem, just a bit annoying.
If you ever get back to LAB, might I make some suggestions?
1) Add an on-screen notification about what the player picks up (ammo, armor, health, etc.), because when I break containers I sometimes don't even manage to see what was inside.
2) While I do like some of the goofier sounds (case in point, golf-ball sound when the blue guys die), they just feel a bit off, so maybe replace them? Some sounds don't have the "UMPH!" to them, like doors opening\ closing and the machine-gun firing.
3) What is that green frog\ bug gun? I get that it's more of a gimmick than anything, but what's the point? A nod at Half-Life?
4) The auto-aim tends to screw me over when I'm trying to clear out rooms while standing in the doorway. Maybe add an option to switch it off?
This one is more of a nitpick, but the sheer amount of enemies is sometimes baffling. And another nitpick: there are a ton of secrets, but they all feel same-y. Maybe add more monster-closets and ambushes?
Still, I am enjoying this game. Really feels like something from the early-to-mid 90's.
sure, I plan to make some sequel in the future (in fact I started one but it's on hold)
3) it's kind of a ripoff of it - the new version was going to be more original:
4) that's odd - I don't remember adding auto aim 🤔
since I have debug mode I think he is talking about the hitboxes they are so long in height that it makes you think that there is some sort of auto aim
Conclusion: there is no auto aim it's just the height of the hitboxes being long
I guess it's hard to tell with these flat maps 🤔
It's pretty noticeable tho assuming the user has access to debug functions to view the hitboxes
yessir and if you are bored you can always come back to mess around with some nice stuff here
A solid FPS game that reminds me of Blake Stone and Wolfenstein 3D, definitely recommend playing it yourself!
7.5 out of 10
I really loved this game.If your looking for a fun DOOM style fps that you can play in a day this is it. I really liked the creature/level design and concepts, they were very creative!
Great shooter with classic style (inspired by "Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold", yeah?), thank you.
What about adding difficulty levels? Current version is very simple, can pass all game from one try.
glad you liked it!
thing is the original was somewhat harder.. mouse aiming and saving made it super easy
anyway my next game will be a lot harder and want to see how people react to that first before updating this game (or making a sequel)
Just one question - how to complete the last level with a megamind in a cage?
the boxes are a hint: he is behind bulletproof glass
so you need a weapon that doesn't use bullets
The original riddle, I've tried all the weapons except this one
Get ready for another update of my trainer for the game this time I got some help from a pro hacker I am sure he will do a lot of help I will post it here tomorrow with an edit of this comment so get ready :D also thought why not update the game and add the minigun to the game as a super mega secret that's so hard to find
Edit: I got it done
Trainer: https://www.mediafire.com/file/70ogobu3fla3aw5/LAB_trainer.CT/file
Cheats guide: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0dswxirhb0p7xwa/Cheats.txt/file
now there is a scripts section in my cheat table and if you go to table extras all hotkeys are listed there now :)
as for the cheats guide i only changed the button that must be pressed for the console since one of my friends confused it with another button :P
thank you I uploaded them (they just replaced the old ones and there is no way to tell until you download - itch seems weird in this regard)
thing is the minigun was for LAB2 (the flash version that never got anywhere)
so I just don't know what to do with it .. maybe I should remake the whole game in javascript
as I had a similar engine for it already so it could be played in browser again? 🤔
hmm.. anyway I have plenty of plans but I want to finish Zortch first
so any improvements and new things will be after that
ok cool lol
I have always wondered what was the weird green launcher called (it shoots green looking bats) i always called it a plant launcher cuz it looked like a plant tbh xD
the idea was to have a gun that is alive so it's a creature spawning and spitting exploding flies
so like you hold it mouth first toward your foes, the three red things on top are the eyes -
but I missed an opportunity with not animating them
(it's not an original idea though - it's an almost direct ripoff of the aliens fly gun from half life 1)
oooo didnt know that at all thanks
I found something funny while using debug mode so you know the final level where you have that boss that you can just 1 hit behind some bulletproof glass and there is a trap where if you try to take the weapons in that area or you kill the boss the walls will open for some enemies anyways i noticed with debug mode that i can wedge myself through without triggering the trap therefore i can get the weapons without touching the trigger of the trap making me take them safely cuz the hitbox is small for the trap/player (idk if you can fix this lol)
well.. unless you get stuck in the wall somehow and cannot move there is nothing to fix really (I don't mind exploits)
lol XD
updated my trainer i added 2 new cheats rapid fire for all weapons (not really cuz the nuke launcher kind of glitches when i try to use it) and disabling all weapons (if you want a challenge XD) also here is a tip if you press CTRL+H while highlighting any of my cheats in the trainer you will see its hotkeys here is the link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/c6dx7s8qneg1dm1/LAB_trainer.CT/file
also sorry for the quick updates and comments if it disturbs you mutantleg
thats ok, I uploaded the updated one
unfortunately the nuke (rocket launcher) stores the delay in the player class (the memory location keeps changing)
but I think the current setup is good enough (if you no longer hold mouse button it seem to fire normally)
yeah just use the infinite ammo hotkey i guess XD
Edit: I noticed that you can use rapid fire on the nuke launcher just tap rapidly with each shot like once you see your nuke getting shot from the launcher you just tap again since there is no delay so i guess that works XD
i made a video about it with my voice!!! its pretty cool (kinda cringy but its fine)
I didn't realise you are so young (and you are already hacking stuff that's cool)
i am only 14 i started since 7 with very basic stuff XD
Here is an updated version of the cheats it includes debug mode too! thanks to mutantleg i wouldn't have known there was a debug mode
link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ez7mtdf3vtvdnzi/Cheats.txt/file
ok, I added this one as well
damn you are fast (on downloads?! holy cow) also i relooked at the code after knowing there is a debug mode and now i understand why there was a random line for debug mode that includes icon1.ico XD
hey bro uhh i found some commands and cheats you left in the game here they are
Press ` to bring a console and then type these cheats and hit enter
GUN or CHEAT = all weapons with alot of ammo
SETGUN # (1-8) = set current gun depending on value from 1 to 8 (8 is unused minigun)
BEE or GUTHOOD = 999 health
HP # = set your HP if you set it to a high value you will have god mode for example like this (999999999999)
KEY = all keycards
WATER (0 or 1) = enable water in levels
NEXT = skip to the next level
ENDING = game ending
MAPTITLE (name) = change map title to whatever you put as the name
KILL = kill yourself
RESET or RESTART = reset the level
EXIT = exit the game
CENTERWIN = centers game window
good job! ( you found them on your own?)
yes i dug up the exe
Bro what i am the one who gave it to you over discord in a cheats.txt file i did the work please dont steal my work like that EVER AGAIN
ok i am sorry i will tell the truth birds over here sent me the cheats.txt file over discord i am so sorry for all this mess he dug up the exe file and checked the code i stole the work i am so sorry mutantleg if you ever see this please know that birds dug up the code of the exe :( i apologize please forgive me
Its ok just dont upload it without my permission next time :) and yes i did it all myself was kinda hard at first but i got it nice game btw :D (would like to get your discord if you have one u have nice games also i want to share something special with you :) )
Excelente juego,mutantlg
Me encantó demasiado es como Doom pero como que algo mejor
bro i love this game i have been playing it for 5 years now and i think we should get more levels cuse u could just beat it n 3 hours and thats boring so yeah and ur work is really good like bro what is this
I won this game today and it's a very cool FPS game. In fact, it reminds of the 1993 fps Blake Stone: Aliens Of Gold.
Glad you enjoyed it! Yes, blake was pretty much the direct inspiration
Haven't seen anyone else comment about this but controling the game with the mouse is very hard, whenever i try to use the mouse instead of the arrow keys the direction im facing in jumps around too much for me to aim.
Have you tried changing the mouse speed in options? (if that doesn't help i'll try and patch it somehow)
thought it that at first so i set my mouse speed to a very slow speed, still happened, thought it might have to do with the game being windowed so i fullscreened it and it still happened
I added a new version v3.06 which should use the raw input from the mouse - hopefully this will fix it but at least the speed should be different this time
thanks, ill reply to this thread if i find anything else
Good stuff, has everything you want in a Wolfenstein-like. The flooded floor was an interesting look that I haven't seen in a game like this before, would have loved to see that in more levels.
there is no shotgun in this game and it ANGERS ME xD
is it possibel to either add a shotgun to the game or just make a sequel with shotgun
thx btw this game is great
you see this is a Wolf3D clone (or more like a Blakestone clone)
and these games didn't have shotguns.. that is the main reason for its absence
(the sort-of-sequel will have one but its nowhere close to be released)
anyway glad you enjoyed it!
ok thx