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LAB V2.0

"Oooh lookat that mofo!" - wobblyfootgamer

"..so is this the place where I file complaints about

you guys having giant praying mantises in the parking garage?" - ReapeeRon

"I'm using the Harry Truman on literally everyone!" - The Ultimate Destroyer

Music licensed from Arteria3D

Special thanks goes to BigDino for sponsoring the original version

As of july 2017 the art in this game is in the pubdom, feel free to use them in your own projects:

New! Check out the remake! Features mouselook, fullscreen mode, saving loading, configurable controls etc.: https://mutantleg.itch.io/lab-v30

if you wish to support me consider getting a copy of Zortch! (or at least try the free demo)

PlatformsFlash, Windows
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(75 total ratings)
TagsFirst-Person, FPS, Gore, Monsters, Pixel Art, Retro, secrets, Short, Singleplayer
Average sessionA few seconds


LAB_v2_projector_f25.zip 8.7 MB
labv2_download.swf 2.8 MB


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Wow, it is a beautiful game. I like flash games! It is a real cool!

(1 edit) (+1)

Love this game is Lab 3 or a story coming?or will it never come out:\

technically Zortch 1 was Lab 2 as in a spiritual sequel
so I guess you could see the upcoming Zortch 2 as Lab 3 🤔

but as a true sequel for Lab there was not even a Lab 2 yet 🤔
(I just don't have enough ideas for it)


wow, i love this game, its really cool, is what i would say if flash was still around


so do I - google killed flash for nothing 😔


Cool game


Thanks so much for making the textures and sprites public domain. I plan to use them in my own project and i will credit you.


go for it 👍
(also feel free to post a link to it here)


looks like i cant play bc flash is ded so sorry i cant play

not in the browser
but there is a projector version of the original flash one:
(included here in the downloads) LAB_v2_projector_f25.zip
and there is also a remake: https://mutantleg.itch.io/lab-v30


yeah the remake is way cooler


You can download chromium 88.0.4285.0 its have flash


like the DOS graphic FPS.


hey, loved this flash game. you might try bundling Ruffle with this SWF to make it playable, in the future. Ruffle can play the game at the moment, but there are some graphical issues. keep an eye on it!

sure, I checked out Ruffle a while ago but it was not quite there yet (probably because it's AS3)


i remember playing this game on ggkids



this game was more fun then i expected


Could you release this code (if abandoned) on github or as a template?

(1 edit)

publicly no (too embarrassing) - but mail me at mutantleg(at)gmail.com
(I plan to make a javascript version that will be open source - but that is the far future)


browser doesnt work because google no longer supports flash and flash is required. Is there a way you can fix this?

unfortunately no  :(

the only options are:
- downloading the standalone version (LAB_v2_projector_f25.zip above)
- downloading the remake https://mutantleg.itch.io/lab-v30
- finding and using an older browser that supports flash
(tricky because adobe disabled flash itself in their latest update)

Not gonna lie this game is amazing i remember playing the old version in 2017

everyday after breakfast i always try to complete the level when you have like 5

of these green bugs that shoot stars or what ever that thing was and i didnt 

finish that level for like 4 months btw your game is amazing and i would love

to see more updates.

I'm glad you like the game, but i'm afraid v3 is the final version: https://mutantleg.itch.io/lab-v30
(for now I only have spiritual sequels planned)

how do we play it without downloading it? or- do we have to?

I'm afraid so (flash is now disabled in most browsers I know of)

RIP flash


You can download chromium 88.0.4285.0 its have flash

(1 edit)

Probably just a false positive for the flash projector
You can just download the swf itself and find a flash player yourself if your don't trust it: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/6eb6f8d3830048a23004e92cdbd8158e3d96d7403a99cced56e186ce6d75b056
(ever since they started using AI to detect new viruses all hell brooke loose and people started getting positives for hello world apps)


Thanks for keeping this game Alive! One of the best flash games.



I featured this game in my video 


Nice vid!
I was not sure how to call that gun, it was going to be called the "Waymaker" originally but it sounded kinda lame so i just didn't name the guns in the end (less work)
calling it the truman gun sounds way funnier also .. and i actually picked a quote based on that .. but i guess it's weird out of context
.. dunno lemme know if you want a different one instead
sorry about the weapon resetting thing - this game is just like doom in many ways after all - but i think i fixed it in V3

Perfect quote to choose. Glad I made an entertaining video.


I have no idea why I can play this game probably because I still can use adobe flash for some unknown reason


i hope you find out a way for us to play this when flash is over this game is 10 out of 10 


Glad you enjoyed it!
I already did: there is the downloadable projector version and also the remake


Noice Game


I cannot beat Area 6.

Can anybody help me?

I cannot find the Exit Door.

To contact me:

Discord: UzyklyTheSavage

Instagram: uzyklythesavage

Gmail: uzykly@gmail.com


You need to grab the green key from behind the large structure,
then find the red key inside, the exit is behind the red door ..  err
just check out wobbly's walkthru of the area:


Thanks for the Video MutantLeg, but I found a hack, I hold on to MUT,thanks for the clip tho :D


i have played many doom clones, but this, this is one of the best ones out there, 5/5

cant beat lv 3

sorry to hear that, so how you got stuck? or found a bug?

cant get past the imps(dont know what you call them) at the end of the level

oh .. well uh .. i don't have an exact tactic for taking them out

here is a cheat though: in the map select you can hold down M U T to unlock all maps (and  then just skip map 3)

Thx gonna try that in LAB V3 😂


lvl 1 machine gun. Legit.

No seriously. Play this game.


HOL UP, this is the same dude who made Cat Stretch!


I even reused the same explosion sprite




This game is awesome!!!


Haha i love it


Very Nice game!!!

Check my video : 



extremely funny and exciting game!


Impressive achievement in general terms but it's a rather stale concept , FP - shoot things , open ddors , collect things - health , armour.

(1 edit) (+1)

This was pretty fun, though not being able to mouse look was super frustrating. Also, being able to save my game somehow would be nice. I had to stop playing because it was 5 am.

Check out the remake with mouselook and saving: https://mutantleg.itch.io/lab-v30


should have made it mouse to aim

Let me recommend you the remake which has mouse aim:


So nice! !0/10


This is a lot of fun! Takes me back to the Wolf3D/Blake Stone days.

Deleted post

Glad you enjoyed it!
(also offtopic protip because i recently found this out myself trying to make trailers and stuff:
you can use Streamlabs to record gameplay videos for offline stuff without streaming,
its tricky to set up for some games but it doesn't leave an overlay like bandicam does)

Deleted post

This game is super fun!!! I had not expected to find myself running through the entire game. The controls were a bit weird to me at first because I had initially never played a game like this, but I eventually got used to it. This is a great time killer and I will probably come back to this game very soon. I haven't been able to beat the last level yet tho.

How would I even know if I found the super secret on the first level? I know you won't tell me, nor do I want you to. Maybe an obscure clue?

that is easy: there is a hidden weapon 6 in it
(everything you need to find it is before the hallway with the mosquitoes)

5:24 am... i play with just one death at end level!

It's awesome! I come back in wolf3d childhood!

Thanks you author!

glad you liked it

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